St. Jude Chapel


St. Jude Catholic Chapel, led by Father Jonathan Austin, is located right in the heart of Dallas. Established over 45 years ago, our mission  is to serve the sacramental and spiritual needs of the Christian Faithful who live and/or work in Downtown and throughout Dallas, as well as countless visitors to our area.  We offer daily and weekend Masses, daily Confessions, Bible Studies, and many other spiritual devotions and activities. St. Jude is a beautifully traditional Catholic Chapel that welcomes people from all spiritual backgrounds who seek a peaceful and welcoming place to pray and meditate in the midst of a busy and hectic day. Our heart is centered on our devotion to the model and intercession of St. Jude Thaddeus, Apostle and Martyr, the patron saint of those in great difficulty, and who may feel they have no hope. Like Saint Jude, we seek to follow and proclaim the love of God in Jesus Christ our Savior. You are always welcomed to join us for our celebrations, or just stop in for a visit.

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